Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Robocopy Syntax & throttling with IPG

I justed wanted to blog a couple of my commonly used robocopy syntax's

robocopy C:\source D:\dest /rh:2000-0600/pf /mir /copy:DATSO /R:3 /W:1 /v >log.txt

This performs a mirror copy that can only run between 2000-0600
It will also copy these attributes
D - Data
A - Attributes
T - Time stamps
O - Ownership

It will output to log.txt

Throttling Bandwidth useage
A handy switch to use with robocopy is the Interpacket Gap /IPG
This will help throttle the robocopy job and prevent flooding small data links during a copy.
The IPG Gap is a time in Milliseconds the pause between copies.

The IPG Gap should be set according to network configuration but as a general rule
on 2MB/sec connection a setting of /IPG:256 is recommended.
(2.5 second delay between sends)

The formula for the calculation is

Ba - Bd
------------ x 512 x 1000 = IPG
Bd * Ba

Ba = Bandwidth available in kb
Bd = Bandwidth Desired in kb

IPG Calculator - This will help estimate how long a copy will take with throttling in place

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