change client [/view | /flush | /current]
change client [{/default | [/default_drives] | [/default_printers]} [/ascending]] [/noremap] [/persistent] [/force_prt_todef]
change client [{/default | [/default_drives] | [/default_printers]} [/ascending]] [/noremap] [/persistent] [/force_prt_todef]
change client [/delete host_device] [host_device client_device] [/?]
- host_device
- The name of a device on the host server to be mapped to a client device.
- client_device
- The name of a device on the client to be mapped to host_device.
- /view
- Displays a list of all available client devices.
- /flush
- Flushes the client drive mapping cache. This action forces the server and the client to resynchronize all disk data.
- /current
- Displays the current client device mappings.
- /default
- Resets host drive and printer mappings to defaults.
- /default_drives
- Resets host drive mappings to defaults.
- /default_printers
- Resets host printer mappings to defaults.
- /ascending
- Uses ascending, instead of descending, search order for available drives and printers to map. This option can be used only with /default, /default_drives, or /default_printer.
- /noremap
- If /noremap is specified, client drives that conflict with server drives are not mapped.
- /persistent
- Saves the current client drive mappings in the client device user’s profile.
- /force_prt_todef
- Sets the default printer for the client session to the default printer on the client’s Windows desktop.
- /delete host_device
- Deletes the client device mapping to host_device.
- /? (help)
- Displays the syntax for the utility and information about the utility’s options.
Typing change client with no parameters displays the current client device mappings; it is equivalent to typing change client /current.Use change client host_device client_device to create a client drive mapping. This maps the client_device drive letter to the letter specified by host_device; for example, change client v: c: maps client drive C to drive V on the server.
The /view option displays the share name, the share type, and a comment describing the mapped device. Sample output for change client /view follows:
C:>change client /viewAvailable Shares on client connection ICA-tcp#7
Sharename | Type | Comment |
\\Client\A$ | Disk | Floppy |
\\Client\C$ | Disk | FixedDrive |
\\Client\D$ | Disk | CdRom |
\\Client\LPT1: | Printer | Parallel Printer |
\\Client\COM1: | Printer | Serial Printer |
Flushing the cache forces the data on the server to be synchronized with the client data. The cache time-out for diskettes is set to five seconds because diskette data is usually more volatile; that is, the diskette can be removed and another diskette inserted.
The /default option maps the drives and printers on the client device to mapped drives and printers on the server running Citrix XenApp. Drives A and B are always mapped to drives A and B on the server. Hard drives are mapped to their corresponding drive letters if those drive letters are available on the server. If the corresponding drive letter is in use on the server, the default action is to map the drive to the highest unused drive letter. For example, if both computers have drives C and D, the client drives C and D are mapped to V and U respectively. These default mappings can be modified by the /ascending and /noremap options.
The /default_printers option resets printer mappings to defaults. /default_printers attempts a one-to-one mapping of all client printers; for example, the client’s LPT1 and LPT2 ports are mapped to the server’s LPT1 and LPT2 ports. If the /ascending option is specified, the mapping is done in ascending order.
The /default_drives option resets host drive mappings to defaults. /default_drives attempts a one-to-one mapping of all client drives; for example, client drives A and B are mapped to server drives A and B. Hard drives are mapped to their corresponding drive letters if those drive letters are available on the server. If the corresponding drive letter is in use on the server, the default action is to map the drive to the highest unused drive letter. For example, if both computers have drives C and D, the client drives C and D are mapped to V and U respectively. If the /ascending option is specified, the mapping is done in ascending order.
The /ascending option causes the mapping to occur in ascending drive letter order. For example, if the first two available drive letters on the server are I and J, drives C and D in the preceding example are mapped to I and J respectively.
The /noremap option causes the mapping to skip drive letters occupied on the server. For example, if the server has a drive C but no drive D , the client’s drive C is mapped to D on the server, but the client’s drive D is not mapped.
The /persistent option causes the current device mappings to be saved in the user’s profile. Drive conflicts can occur if the /persistent option is in use and the user logs on from a client device that has a different disk drive configuration, or logs on to a server that has a different disk drive configuration.
The /force_prt_todef option sets the default printer for the ICA session to the default printer on the client’s Windows desktop.
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