Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Appsense Special Command Chrome Clean

Appsense Environment manager user personalisation settings allow includes and excludes at a folder level. However this is some times not sufficient to ensure a clean user profile.

Google chrome for example puts a lot of large files into the user data folder. Some of this folders contents are required however so a folder exclude will not do.

To workaround this the appsense special command can be used. This command switch allows integration with Appsense personalisation application bubble.
To clean up the un-required chrome files i set a logoff action that runs a "Execute" action
to run CMD.EXE and then uses the following Appsense special switch

/appsensespecial:chrome.exe:21.0.1180.89 /c del "%userprofile%\AppData\Local\google\Chrome\User data\safe*" /F /Q

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