Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Citrix Desktop Director Slow Launch and Logon

There have been a few complaints about slow load and logon times for Citrix Desktop director and i wanted to collate the tips i gathered from the forums.

1.) Launch the IIS console
Browse to the DesktopDirector site
Click Application Settings
Double click "Connector.ActiveDirectoryDomains" and blank this value

2.) Install .net 4
Launch the IIS console
Expand Application Pools
Select DesktopDirector and change to use .net 4
Restart IIS

3.) Browse to .net framework location
Open aspnet.config file
Add the following line 
Save the file
restart IIS
This is classic speed up Web interface tip (http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX117273)

4.) Use another browser than IE. 
I have it running on IE as local intranet site however and its very fast. 


  1. Which Desktop Director does this apply to? Is this for XenApp 6.5 and XD 5.6 or is this XD7?

  2. This was for Director that ships with XD56 but it may well be worth trying them on XD7 as well.
