The following registry keys can be used to control the Appsense Personalization behaviour.
HKLM\Software\Appsense Technologies\Environment Manager
HKCU\Software\Appsense Technologies\Environment Manager
DesktopSettingDisabled 0 = Enabled 1= Disabled
CertificatesDisabled 0 = Enabled 1=Disabled
SessionDataDisabled 0=Enabled 1=Disabled
These setting are handy if you wish to perform actions like a 1 way migration of XP Desktop settings to Win7.
In this scenario you will have Desktop Personalisation Enabled in the config. But would create a Disable action for users logging onto a Windows XP desktop. This would result in the following settings being applied.
Windows XP Logon - Disable DesktopSettings
Windows XP Logoff - Enable DesktopSettings
Win7 Logon - Enable DesktopSettings
Win7 Logoff - Enable DesktopSettings
This means that the Windows XP settings are saved of onto Windows 7. Windows 7 keeps its setting but if the user logs back onto a Windows XP it does not bring in their new Win7 desktop settings.
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